99.9% Uptime Commitment
We offers a monthly Uptime Guarantee (“Guarantee”) for the Hosted Services You purchase from Us. If We fail to meet this Guarantee, as solely determined by Us, due to an internal infrastructure or equipment failure
LiteSpeed Web Server
In LiteSpeed Server you get the best performance. our Turbo LiteSpeed Hosting features up to 20X faster page loads compared to traditional hosting solutions..
24/7 support
Our highly skilled support technicians are available all day, every day. We're here to help you out at any time, we promise we won't bite either! If you're ever in doubt about anything.we ask that you let us know so we can assist you accordingly.
SSD Disk Space
The architectural configuration of the SSD controller is optimized to deliver high read and write performance for both sequential and random data requests. SSDs are sometimes referred to as flash drives or solid-state disks.
FREE Maintenance
provides a broad range of server maintenance solutions for your websites or web applications for those who don’t want to move their sites. If you already have a trusted hosting solution, our team can help you support and monitor it.
Easy control panel
choose the provider where you'll be hosted on a blazing fast and exclusive SwiftServer platform. Choose our Turbo Servers for up to 20X faster page loads than competing hosts.Your account features the cPanel control panel for free.